Get Involved.
Here you will find information on Minds Over Matter’s committees, our expectations of volunteers & staff, & links to our current personnel needs.
Our Committees.
Focus Groups:
Our Focus Group committees are responsible for developing and delivering programming to their respective target groups. These committees are also responsible for identifying Partner services that are relevant to their target audiences and providing that information to the community.
Minds Over Matter’s focus groups are:
Businesses and Organizations
Children, Youth and Families
Cultural Groups
Partners & Resources:
The Partners and Resources committee is responsible for identifying, developing and maintaining the Partner network. Duties include meeting with potential and current Partners, assisting other subcommittees in identifying relevant Partner services and coordinating joint effort campaigns between Partners and Minds Over Matter.
The Communications committee is responsible for administrating and developing content for Minds Over Matter’s outlets, including the website, the Facebook and Twitter accounts, and all marketing materials. The committee also produces news releases and statements on behalf of the Government and Media Relations Committee.
Within the Communications committee is the FOIP officer position, which is responsible for responding to and resolving all FOIP requests made to Minds Over Matter.
The Fundraising committee is responsible for planning, organizing and executing fundraising events and campaigns whether for Minds Over Matter as a whole or for its various subcommittees and projects. This committee is also responsible for identifying grants and bursaries that Minds Over Matter is eligible for.
The Policy Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining the role descriptions, codes of conduct, and processes that govern the activities of Minds Over Matter and ensure the integrity of the Society over time.
Within but not accountable to the Policy committee is the Compliance Officer, who is responsible for ensuring all complaints about illegal or unethical activities by anyone representing Minds Over Matter are properly investigated and resolved.
Grant Writing:
The Grant Writing committee is responsible for completing grant and bursary applications on behalf of Minds Over Matter.
Government & Media Relations:
The Government and Media Relations committee advises the Board and sub-committees on government or media interactions and is the sole point of contact between Minds over Matter and government or media organizations.
Our Expectations
Our Expectations:
Minds Over Matter expects all its Directors, volunteers, and staff to:
Identify with the mission and vision statements;
Have the time and energy to engage in and drive progress toward achieving these statements
Be a team player
Be interested in empowering and educating members of the following communities:
Children, Youth and Families
Businesses and Organizations
Cultural Groups
Be willing and able to assist in one or more of the subcommittees described above
Abide by all the bylaws, fiduciary duties and policies of Minds Over Matter, especially its Code of Ethics
Volunteers and Directors:
Our current volunteer opportunities can be found here: Volunteering
We will also post announcements on our social media feeds